From July 23rd to 28th 2002

- 6 stages
- 119 concerts and shows
- 200,000 spectators
- 10.30 hectares
- 3,496 volunteers
- Poster designed by Fabien Boshung
Sold-out ten days before the opening night, the 27th edition of Paléo Festival Nyon will have played host to audiences totalling over 200,000. The six stages offer more than 120 concerts. Amongst the festival highlights, the Mexico of Lila Downs, the energy of the new French scene personified by Bénabar, Sanseverino and Miro, the Italian truculence of Zucchero and Jovanotti and the softer ambiences proposed by the likes of Jane Birkin, Omara Portuondo and Cesaria Evora. The Festival does not neglect Swiss artists with the Geneva-based Polar, the Nyon band ORS Massive and Zurich's Golden Boy (accompanied on this occasion by Miss Kittin) all demonstrating the vitality and creativity of a Helvetic scene very much in evidence at this year's Nyon event. The Festival's official web site also meets with considerable success in broadcasting numerous live and recorded concerts. The English group The Cure prove the most popular attraction with 16,000 fans clicking on to the retransmission of their concert. Over on the Festival campsite, 10,000 campers take advantage of the free facilities and the creation of the Village, a zone open to the public with stalls, bars and free concerts on the FMR stage, which is judged a resounding success.
Acousteel Gang, Affaire Tournesoul, Amata, Arno, Aston Villa, Avion Travel, Bauchklang, Bénabar, Bernard Lavilliers, Big Soul, Blended Juice, Boulouris Quintet, Brigitte Fontaine, Casagrande, Catcha, Cesaria Evora, Chill Pop, Christina Branco, Christophe, Cie Mazout & Neutron, Cie Olof Zitoun, Cie Progéniture, Cie Scène De Vie, Cie Tout Samba'L, Cirque Sans Raisons, De La Soul, Dionysos, DJ Alex Dallas, DJ Eric Borgo, DJ Luciano, DJ Oliver, DJ Sonja Moonear, DJ Tweak, Duo, Ego Express, Egschiglen, Exphase, Fantcha, Ferro Gaita, Francois Vé, Gingala, Golden Boy, Gonzales, Gustav, Hawksley Workman, Helena, Highfish, Ildo Lobo, Indochine, Inko'Nito, James Brown, Jane Birkin, Jovanotti, Kery James, Kid Chocolat & Mademoiselle Shalala, Kma, Lamb, Laurence Revey (Alpine Exprience), Leme (feat. Nurotic Soundsystem. Visuals by Amata), Les Bleus De Travail, Les Contents Air, Les Folles Alliées, Les Nous Autres, Lila Downs, Lio M & David Drums, Los De Abajo, Louis Chedid, Lucky Dube, Luis Morais, Luke, Maria Alice, MC Solaar, Miossec, Miro, Miss Kittin & The Hacker, Mono Blanco, Moonraisers, Noï, Noir Désir, Nurlan, O'Djila, Omara Portuondo, Orchestra Baobab, O.R.S. Massive, Pato Benton, Pet Shop Boys, Pink Elln (presented by Saas Fee), Planet Banana, Pleymo, Polar, Postman, Ppa+, Raï-X, Ricardo, Rollercone, Rude Music Selection, Saas Fee, Saez, Saïan Supa Crew, Sanseverino, Sergej Auto (presented by Saas Fee), Sergent Garcia, Sharko, Squeeze Groove, Stardax (presented by Saas Fee), Supertramp, Susheela Raman, Tarmac, Telepopmusik, Teofilo Chantre, The Cool Crooners, The Cure, The Notwist, Tien-Shan-Suisse Express, Tiziano Ferro, Trinfinga & Herbalist, Yann Tiersen, Yannick Noah, Zucchero