Vom 20. bis 23. Juli 1978

- 2 Bühnen
- 37 Konzerte und Shows
- 32'000BesucherInnen
- 3.00 Hektare
- 200 Freiwilliger
- Plakat von Pierre-Alain Bertola
The second open air event boasts a second (covered) stage, the Chapiteau, and plays hosts to 38 groups. Audiences totalling 32,000 discover Clannad and applaud Buffy Sainte Marie, The Chieftains and Ralph McTell, in spite of a rather deficient sound system.
André Bialek, Apple Chill Gloggers, Bayou Sauvage, Bert Jansch, Big Joe Band, Buffy Sainte Marie, Buzzi & Schaeffer, Clannad, Claque Galoche, Dougie MacLean & Alan Roberts, Fairport Convention, Five Hand Reel, Gwendal, Joanna Carlin, John Kirkbride, Jorgen Skammeritz, José Barrense-Dias, June Tabor Band, Kapricorn, La Bamboche, La Kinkerne, Le Clou, Machin, Na Fili, Ossian, Patchwork, Pfuri Gorps Kniri, Ralph McTell, Red Clay Ramblers, René Werneer, Richie Havens, Sarclon, Telephone Bill & The Smooth Operators, The Chieftains, Tom Paxton, Tri-Yann, Ward et Fedrizzi