Eddy de Pretto

Eddy de Pretto
Day Place Time
Wednesday 24 July
Grande Scène 18:30
Urban spleen

“Eddy de Pretto is carving out a place for himself in the pantheon of tomorrow’s great artists”, that’s how we introduced the artist in 2018 before his performance at Paléo. Our predictions have since been fulfilled! After the creation of his own label, Eddy de Pretto has confirmed his status as a popular poet of the 21st century. His third album—Crash Cœur— features sensitive prose that the artist imagines as a “protective bubble” in response to the chaos of the world. Torn between the glittering light of Parisian boulevards and the concrete landscapes of the suburbs, the artist pursues his unique path on the line between French chanson and rap. Go Eddy!

Eddy de Pretto videos
And music