Our environmental policy

Paléo encourages public transport 

A major priority is the implementing of a public transport network that will allow as many people as possible to enjoy the Festival without travelling by car. Thanks to an improved offer in terms of trains and special bus services, organised in partnership the CFF, NStCM and the TCS, Paléo Festival has now made it possible for everyone to get home safely – and until late into the night - whether they live in Geneva, Fribourg, Neuchâtel, Porrentruy or Brig. Between 2005 and 2019, the proportion of festivalgoers using public transport to get to the Festival site increased from 27% to 45%. Now, the objective is to maintain this percentage and to reduce the number of cars traveling to the festival. The Festival therefore invites everyone to use public transport or to group in cars. At the same time, Paléo supports soft mobility and wishes to develop the possibilities of joining the event by bike or on foot.

Our key measures :

  • Free trains and buses to the Festival from Nyon station

  • Two ephemeral stations linking some twenty special transport lines

  • Special night trains linking the whole of the lemanic arc and Fribourg.

  • PostBus serving the Nyon region

  • TCS buses linking the major towns in French-speaking Switzerland

  • Special buses at Lausanne and Geneva stations to serve the neighbourhoods of these cities

  • The Route de St-Cergue, linking the Festival to the center and train station of Nyon, has street lighting the whole way

  • Secure bicycle parking facilities and signposting for cyclists and pedestrians between Nyon/Prangins and the Festival 


Paléo sorts its waste and avoids wastage 

The Festival produced 264 tonnes of waste in 2019, or around 1kg per person present on the site. The "Aspirators" team cleans the site and sorts all waste generated by the Festival. Dressed in green, they also clean the toilet facilities and make sure that the numerous dustbins around the site do not overflow with rubbish. Thanks to the work of "Aspirators", 63% of this waste was recycled. In the future, the Festival wishes to increase this percentage.

Since 2019, Paléo has been strengthening its fight against food waste and collaborating with Too Good To Go. Unsold food is thus consumed and does not end up tragically wasted. 

Our key measures :

  • Purchase of returnable and washable tableware to reduce single-use plastic and offer this solution for hire to events in the region

  • Setting up a dedicated dishwashing supply chain in the Canton of Vaud in collaboration with Ecomanif

  • Restoration of the soils (including collection of micro-waste, such as cigarette butts)

  • Installation of dedicated bins (Pet, alu, waste, glass) and waste collection points for stands

  • Ban on flyering and distribution of samples throughout the Festival grounds

  • Communication and information material printed only on recycled paper

  • Introduction of measures to promote circularity for equipment and materials

  • Progressive replacement of bottled water with water fountains

  • Distribution of bottle carriers to volunteers

  • Installation of incentive ashtrays

  • Prevention measures: giant screen adverts, incentive ashtrays, distribution of sorting kits at campsites, etc.

  • Plastic straws are being replaced by compostable starch straws at all Paléo bars and stands.


Paléo consumes local 

The report on Paléo’s environmental impact reveals that consumption of food and drink has a considerable effect on the environment. Paléo has therefore decided to find ways of increasing the proportion of local produce in the meals it serves to its 5,000 volunteer staff members (near 50'000 every year). Paléo encourages food stallholders to use local, organic or vegetarian produce. Finally, Paléo is committed to increasing the amount of Swiss wines on sale in the Festival’s various bars.

Our key measures :

  • Look for more local producers
  • A seasonal menu and a daily choice of vegetarian dishes in staff restaurant
  • A majority of Swiss wines in the Festival’s bars
  • A "fresh and local" label for the 20 most eco-responsible stands

Paléo uses green energy 

Since 2006, Paléo has been committed to using 100% green energy, all of it renewable and local. This commitment to green energy consumption also applies to offices throughout the year. Based on an energy and environmental audit carried out by Romande Energie, Paléo is continuing to implement measures to reduce its electricity consumption. 

Our key measures :

  • 100% green energy consumption during the festival and in the offices all year round

  • Use of economical lighting systems

  •  Installation of master switches enabling bars and other structures to turn off electrical current at the flick of a single switch

  • Use of timers in certain electrical installations in order to optimise consumption

  • Raising awareness amongst suppliers and other partners about the importance of using only class A equipment

Paléo saves water 

On the basis of the above-mentioned audit, Paléo is also continuing to strengthen measures aimed at reducing water consumption. With the introduction of these measures (dry urinals, water flow reducers etc.) water consumption at the Festival was measured at 10,824 m3 in 2018, representing individual consumption of 36 litres.

Our key measures :

•    Use of water flow reduction devices.
•    Introduction of dry urinals in certain zones.
•    Systematic turning off of all urinals using water at closing time

Paléo produces ethical and eco-responsible merchandising

The Paléo Shop offers trendy clothing that is produced in an eco-responsible and sustainable way. Short circuits are preferred as much as possible.

Our key measures :

  • Reduction of cotton (which consumes a lot of water) in our textiles, in favour of Modal® manufactured by Lenzig
  • The finished products meet at least the Oeko-Tex 100 standards
  • Collaboration with the company Textilium in Turkey, audited Fair Wear
  • Collaboration with partners who share our sustainable and ethical vision of production: Estilo Libre for caps, Elvetik for boots...

Paléo preserves its soil and biodiversity. 


Paléo is committed to preserving the site, which covers 80 hectares in 5 communes and belongs to 20 landowners and farmers. The site is criss-crossed by the river Asse and a wooded belt, which is an important biological corridor. 

Key measures: 

  • Application of sheets to protect the soil. 
  • Close collaboration with landowners and operators. 
  • Expertise by a soil scientist (Sol-Conseil). 
  • Provision of numerous ashtrays. 
  • Large-scale clean-up of the site after the festival (250 people for 2 weeks after the Festival). 
  • Reduction of the number of vehicles and traffic on the site. 
  • Affirmed and shared commitment to a soil charter. 
  • Collaboration with the Nyon “Frontière” agroecological network. 
  • Sound and light charters. 
  • Addition of compost or lime to the site to enrich the soil and improve the quality of the grass. 

Paléo is a local and social player. 

The Festival is a key, responsible community player in the Nyon economic landscape. 

Key measures: 

  • Twelve apprenticeship positions per year. 
  • Help with professional integration (OSEO, La Passerelle culturelle, etc.). 
  • Social, sporting and cultural projects in the region supported by Fondation Equiléo (Paléo). 
  • Training of interns and apprentices. 
  • Promotion of local suppliers and products. 
  • Charities hosted and highlighted on the Festival site. 
  • All bars are run by local associations to which Paléo pays a percentage of the profits. 

Paléo is an accessible festival. 

Guaranteed access and welcome for all. 

Key measures: 

  • Nursery and children’s areas. 
  • Free admission for children under the age of 12. 
  • Easy access for people with disabilities (dedicated platforms for concerts + dedicated car park). 
  • Free admission for a companion of a disabled person. 
  • Access to L’Entracte (a reception and care area for people with disabilities). 
  • Accessible pricing policy, reduced fares for disabled people, students and the unemployed. 
  • Concerts translated into French sign language. 

A safe and welcoming Paléo 

Health and safety are at the heart of Paléo’s concerns to ensure that the Festival remains a place to party, meet people and enjoy great moments. 

Key measures: 

  • Free drinking water (water fountains and drinking water in all Festival toilets). 
  • No sale of spirits. 
  • Information and prevention area and team. 
  • Sound charter + relaxation and decompression zone + distribution of ear protection (hearing risks). 
  • Medical and health facilities.