- What’s up ?
- Paléoooooooo !

Fred & Laura on a Wednesday night

Who’s playing tonight ?

Seven days, seven nights and seven stages featuring more than 200 artists, both up-and-comers and international stars !

What’re you into ?
Pop or electro ?

Close to you or on the main stage: rap, rock, pop, electro, folk, you name it !

There’s much more to Paléo than just music !


Let’s go to the end
of the world !

Concerts, installations, arts & crafts, food : a fully immersive travel experience with the Festival’s Village du Monde.

It’s so original !

At La Ruche, the spotlight is on poetry, circus and street theatre, for young and old alike.

A fabulous luminous garden

A monumental luminous centerpiece and its garden of sparkling plants welcome you to the Place de l'Envol and to the Quartier des Alpes. Discover inventive structures that adorn these two places to meet, relax and escape.  

What do you fancy eating ? Bagels ? Bruschetta ? Poutine ?

More than 50 cuisines from all over the world and guaranteed thrills for your taste buds !

Where’s your tent ?!

Party ‘til the early morning at the Festival’s campground. Plus, it’s free !

In short, Paleo is…


Shared vibes all around


Delights great
and small 


A total and intense experience !




Are you coming ?