Our actions for a more sustainable festival!

For thirty years now, Paléo has been seeking to reduce its environmental impact. In 2022, the Festival Association voted to set a new target of reducing carbon emissions.

Why are we doing all this? Because an Open Air venue is vulnerable to the weather and its unpredictability. Taking care of the environment is therefore a necessity for us. Here are our actions, we hope they inspire you!

Did you know that Paléo...


  • is an associative festival with over 150 members!

    Paléo is organised by a non-profit association. Every decision is discussed and voted on by our members, most of whom are volunteers. The objective of reducing carbon emissions is a collective decision.

  • takes place on 80 hectares of farmland!

    In spring and autumn, flowers and plantations take over the ground where you dance the night away in July. This exceptional site, bordered by a river, is home to a fauna and flora that we must protect.

  • mobility has the biggest footprint!

    Choose to carpool with our free app, come by public transport thanks to the special Paléo network, or follow the lighted paths for bikes and pedestrians: there are various options available to you to contribute to our efforts.

  • all tableware is returnable!

    1 million cups, 100,000 plates and 40,000 bowls... Each meal is served in returnable tableware that is washed in the Canton, then brought back clean to fill hungry bellies again.

  • uses 100% green electricity!

    The festival has been 100% green since 2006. This means that the festival runs on entirely renewable energy (wind, dams, solar). Paléo is a forerunner in this field.

  • there's a green label for eco-friendly food stalls!

    The Festival's eco-responsible food stalls have been awarded the "fresh and local" green label. Each year, a new evaluation is carried out with the help of our anonymous tasters. Find these stalls on our app and come and say hello!

  • the cleaning team works 24 hours a day!

    The Aspirators team is responsible for maintaining and restoring the site 24 hours a day. Day and night, these teams take it in turns to collect all the waste, sort it and make the festival shine.

  • all the bars are run by associations!

    Behind the Festival bars you'll find sports clubs, cultural and social associations from the Nyon region! In exchange for this helping hand, each association receives a percentage of the revenue supporting their activities during the year. A good excuse for a drink!

  • is installing a weather forecasting antenna!

    The Festival has been working with Météonews for many years. A weather forecasting antenna is set up on the ground to collect data, and several meteorologists are active throughout the week.


Want to find out more? Visit the Sustainable Paleo page.